Sunday, May 26, 2019

Linkage Of Art History And Information Technology Essay

Art History at first glance has nothing in tie to Information Technology and so Information Technology has no link in the discipline of account statement fraudistry. I, myself, had not thought that these two entirely several(predicate) academic discipline take in something in common to sh ar stock-still they are quite different from each new(prenominal). I will begin this publisher by giving definitions of these two fields of study.Art history refers to the academic discipline covering the study of history, ocular arts, which is study the development of painting, and sculpture arts, humanist discipline, humanities and liberal arts which are studies to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills. Categorizing changes in art through time and better understand how art shapes is what art history endeavors. In addition, art history as well covers the outlooks and creative impulses of the artists. It covers altogether kind of arts that is extending from the megaliths of Western Europe that the best modelling of which is the Stonehenge in Britain to the paintings of the Tang dynasty in China.On the other hand, although development engine room is hard to define because it is a wide based term and encompasses m both areas and I have read galore(postnominal) definitions of it, I chose the Information Technology Association of Americas or ITAAs definition in which they defined information technology as the study, design, development, implementation support and management of any computer based information systems.Visual arts, as I mentioned in the definition of art history above, is covered by the discipline of art history. In connection, ocular arts, which language is optic, supports develop the skills and knowledge of people to interpret visual arts using visual languages. The importance of s serve skill and knowledge that are developed by taking the academic discipline of art history is that you have the ability to archeological site out mean ing from visual environment thus in return coincides with the skill you have learned in information technology.This may sounds illogical hardly if you think deeper, you will say it is thusly reasonable to claim that there is a linkage between art history and information technology. Just for example are works of architects, film editors, and insurance assessors. In everyday of their lives, they are using their knowledge and skills in information technology and therefore, the skills in extracting meaning from visual environment will surely come to the rescue to help them to be successful on what they are doing.Thus, I reiterate once again that art history has a connection to information technology because both mentioned skills above, which are skill in using computer database and skill in extracting meaning from visual environment, are both needed in the realm of those jobs. These kinds of job require skill in the scrutiny of visual data, and to build connections and depict incongru ent elements unneurotic to make a coherent whole.Because art history is actually about engaging peoples imagination, communicating ideas and bringing out emotions and feelings by government agency of carefully arranged visual cues, it aids information technology in some sense like what I have mentioned above about the aid art history gives in the realm of works of the architects and many others.Other good examples of this are the people who work in advertising agencies, theater, fashion and all other areas of design. These people are in need to fully comprehend and appreciate the manipulation of visual information. Thus, given those examples, studying art history indeed helps broaden and developed a persons natural ability to create and communicate meaning from almost any visual environment.Tackling on the other aspects, because art history studies the so-called work of art and its other aspects, it is important to note that these works of arts can contain many themes or any theme s which can be about many thing or any thing under the sun, and technology is not an exemption for that.There are many people, nowadays, that choose jobs in which they can be called programmers, systems analysts, network service providers, webmasters, information industry moguls and directors of academic computing because this age demands us so.It is true to consider that information and computer literacy, are priceless technical skills but it is also important to bear in our minds that information literacy is a new liberal art. The coverage of sagacious how to use the computers and access information to critical reflection of nature of information itself and, its technical infrastructure is also covered by the information literacy and technology.Social, philosophical and even cultural context to the mental framework of educated information-age citizen as the trivium of basic liberal arts, such as grammar, logic and rhetoric, are also essential and are parts of information literacy and technology.Also, it was hoped, because of the facts that not all information can be found in internet, one should know something about its major cultural landmarks. It is also important to consider that one should know the literary monuments of secular, humanistic culture from Shakespeare through his modern novel.All in all, history arts and information technology though they are two different fields of study have a good linkage in one another to further help building the triumph of mankind in acquiring knowledge and skills.ReferencesDefinition of Information Technology. Ezine Articles. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from http// of Art History, Sweet Briar College.1998 February 8.What is Art?What is An Artist?. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from http// Sousa, Mike. The Column. The train of Art. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from http// ary/thecolumn/2005/027.htmGraduate Careers. Art History.Retrieved July 23, 2008, from http// Arts Journal. Art An Elusive Term. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from http//, Jeremy J. and Hughes,Shelley K. Hughes (1996). Information Literacy as aLiberal Art. Educom canvass Volume 31, Number 2. Retrieved July 23, 2008, from http//

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