Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How should we use the public space Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How should we use the common space - Essay ExampleThis essay deals with public spaces and private interests, which clash to abridge our rights.Let us look for a meaning of the two linguistic process public space. Word Public is an adjective which connotes out-of-doors to all / accessible to all / not private, and, the word Space is a noun meaning in this context, an area / expanse. So in essence, a public space is an expansive area, open to all and one which is not private. Or so, as nigh of us would like to think.Historically speaking public spaces always existed. The agoras of the ancient Greeks, the chaupals of the northern India and the temple exposit of the southern India, the Hyde Park in London are some of the examples of public spaces where people gathered to move in public discourses. Public interaction and free exchange of opinions and ideas have always resulted in come about of social, political and economical awareness, for the good of the humanity.Modernization an d migration of rural populations to urban areas had a significant impact on the traditional meaning and purpose of public spaces. Rampant commercialization is encroaching more and more into our open spaces. Large open spaces with vivid endowments like trees, brooks, hills, green fields and meadows are now confined to countryside entirely and are non-existent in cities, towns and suburbs. While the populations are shifting to suburban areas for reasons of cleaner air and peaceful environs, the natural open spaces even in those areas are also being converted to shopping malls, manicured gardens, water amusement centers or walking tracks with a toll gate These are the neo-public spaces with a private fee, like the neocons with an hack or two to grind.The fast pace of life leaves us practically no time for a stroll round the corner for a quiet chat. With the electronic media blaring its breaking news all

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