Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Autism and Special Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Autism and Special didactics - Research Paper ExampleThe constitution is organized into several sections starting with the introduction, which provides an overview of the topic and purpose of review. The coterminous section identifies positive behavior patters plans for autism. This will be followed by the section on phosphate buffer solution plans for supernumerary education teachers dealing with children with autism. The next section will identify and discuss evidence-based practices applied by specific education teachers providing PBS interventions for children with autism. This will be followed by a section that presents related research studies. Finally, the paper will end with the discussion section that will identify the main implications for special education teachers providing PBS interventions for children with autism. As the report decl ares the success of the PBS program is based on several things. Some of these take administrative support, policy alignment, capacit y and skills of support providers, consistency with overall vision, values, and mission of the system, collaboration among stakeholders, and availability of resources. all(prenominal) these factors can affect the implementation and success of the PBS intervention. Children with autism are unique in the sense that they are more vulnerable to acquiring challenging behaviors that could interfere with their development, learning, and functioning. Such challenging behavior can be categorized into disruptive behaviors or repetitive behaviors.

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