Friday, May 31, 2019

Greek mythology :: essays research papers

The Mycenaeans of the ancient Greeks explained the origin of the universe using Greek gods. The gods were the makers of the universe and watched over mortals. The Greeks explained that in the beginning there was emptiness, and the emptiness was called Chaos. From Chaos came the first tierce immortals Gaea, who was the earth mother Tartarus, who ruled the Underworld and Eros who was the god of love. Gaea gave birth to Uranus without a partner. Gaea then married her son and she bore him triad children called the Hundred-handed giants. The Hundred-handed giants each had fifty heads and one hundred incredibly strong arms. These would be the most frightening creatures that Gaea had. Uranus was afraid of their potential power so he confined them to the Underworld. The Hundred-handed giants became mad with their father and hated them with all their might.Next Gaea had three Cyclopes. Each Cyclopes had one wheel shaped eye in the middle of their forehead. The Cyclopes were very strong and very skillful. Therefore they became the first immortal craftsmen. Again, Uranus became jealous of their skill and potential power, so he bound them with the strongest shackles and threw them into their mother. After nine days and nights, they reached the Underworld. They were condemned there along with their brothers, the Hundred-handed giants. They, in turn, also grew to hate their father.Gaea then bore the first generation of immortal gods. Later, Uranus named them Titans (Stretchers). He named them stretchers because they had stretched their power and had overthrown his rule. Twelve of the thirteen Titans either controlled the major functions of the universe or had children that did. Cronus was one of Gaeas children, a Titan. He killed his father for condemning his children. ahead Uranus died he prophesied that You murder me know, and steal my throne-but one of your own sons will dethrone you, for crime begets crime. Cronus was very careful from then on.Cronuss wife, Rhea, goddess of earth, bore cronus children and one by one he swallowed each and every one of them. First, three daughters-Hestia, Demeter, and Hera then two sons-Hades and Poseidon. Rhea was very furious with Cronus. She was determined to make sure that Cronus didnt eat their next child which she was sure was going to be a son. When the time came, she snuck off down the slope of Olympus to a dark place to wipe out her baby.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe - Mr. Pessimistic Essay -- Biography Biographies

Edgar Allan Poe - Mr. PessimisticSome people always look at the bad side of things instead of the good side. This is called pessimism. Edgar Allan Poe could be recognized as the superpower of pessimism. He is kn suffer for his tales of the mysterious and macabre. His dark and twisted works are filled with pessimism. Poe was a person who had faced many troubling experiences throughout his life. To drop from his saddened world, Poe drank and wrote short stories and poems with a pessimistic outlook. Being a pessimist is what made Poe such a great and creative writer. He brought out his dark side in his work. It seems that all of his stories and poems are laced with pessimism. Pessimism was like Poes warm blanket. He had a sad life, which definitely contri provideded to his writing. Poes poem The Raven greatly reflects his own life and his feelings after the death of his wife Virginia.Of Poes entire life The Raven is said to be Poes best-known and written work. It is about a lover lame nting his dead mistress. It makes it clear that the death of a beautiful woman was for him the supremely interesting subject, and that the most appropriate tone of a poem is melancholy, and certainly there can be no subject more melancholy than the loss of beauty through death (Minor 2244). The autobiographical element in this poem can be noticed. As a young child Poes father abandoned them and he lost his mother. John and Fanny Allan took him home, but they did not formally adopt him (Qrisse). J...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Gold :: Minerals Natural Resources Essays

Gold Gold is a very common mineral that is mined and processed in the United States and all over the world. One of the virtually common processes used for the mining and processing of gold in the United States is heap leaching. The extraction of gold from mortified grade deposits has been one of the main factors in higher output since the 1970s using this form of mining ( Half of all production, in the United States, of low grade minerals comes from heap leaching. It is a low cost, effective process which began at the Placer Developments Cortez open pit in Nevada in 1973 ( Heap leaching recovers gold from sub-grade mine waste or mill tailings. The natural gold is taken into solution as gold cyanide and recovered by adsorption and activated carbon (Halleck 2/19). It is very effective in removing gold from deposits filled with many other minerals as well. The ore removed from the heap leaching is discarded onto op en-air leach pads. Cyanide is hence sprayed over the ore and sits at that place for several weeks allowing the cyanide to seep into the deposit. The cyanide extracts the gold from the ore and drips off of the leach pad on which the ore deposit sits. The gold solution runs into the pregnant pond where it is then pumped to the recovery plant. Zinc dust is then added to the solution causing gold and silver to precipitate. This product is then sent to refineries where the gold and silver atomic number 18 separated from each other ( The use of cyanide is a great environmental hazard. The cyanide affects the area in which it is used as well as the community surrounding the area of the mine. Some examples of cyanide causing hazardous situations are at the Zortman-Landusky mine in Montana, the Summitville Mine in Colorado, the Kumtor Gold Mine in Kyrgyzstan, Asia, and the Aural Gold Plant in Romania. At the Zortman-Landusky mine 52,000 gallons of cyanide solution drained into the fresh water supply of a close town.

Reasons to Make Capital Punishment Illegal Essay example -- Papers Arg

uppercase punishment is one of the most debated topics in the nation today. Since colonial times, more than 13,000 people arouse been legally executed and a large percentage of these executions occurred during the early 1900s. In the 1930s, approximately 150 people were being legally executed each year. However, the egress of executions started to decrease, as public outrage became app bent. Currently, over 3,500 people are on death row. The death penalty violates the Eight Amendment because the act is cruel and unusual, and because the punishment discriminates against the miserable and the minorities, the punishment also violates the 14th Amendment. Surprisingly, many victims on death row are mentally retarded or disabled. Unfortunately, the death penalty has many supporters, and their main claim to why the death penalty should be constitutional is that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime, b ut research has proved their claim to be false. The most disturbing factor of all is that a significant number of the inmates are innocent. For many reasons, capital punishment should be illegal throughout the nation. Capital punishment is not acceptable because it is unconstitutional. Capital punishment has been proven to violate the Eighth Amendment, which is the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. It is also a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, which guarantees equal protection of the laws and due process. The death penalty, which was legal with no objections through the 1900s, became a controversial issue in 1972. In 1972, the Furman vs. Georgia trial caused the compulsive Court to cancel hundreds of scheduled executions and t... ...lty is a cruel and unusual punishment, and secondly, the Fourteenth Amendment, since it displays unequal protection of the laws and due process. Racial discrimination, sex discrimination, and socio-economic class discriminat ion are factors that unfairly decide the death penalty. The last two reasons that support the claim that the death penalty should be illegal are the risks of executing an innocent person and the obvious fact that the death penalty does not deter crime. For these reasons, capital punishment should be illegal throughout the nation.BibliographyBedau, Peter. Death is Different. Massachusetts Northeastern University Press, 1987.Kaminer, Wendy. Its All the Rage Crime and Culture. New York Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1995.Vilbig, Peter. Innocent on Death Row. New York Times Upfront 18 Sept 2000 1-11.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Walter Dean Meyers :: essays research papers

Walter Dean Myers expresses a lot of wisdom throughout his stories. In many another(prenominal) of his stories he have gots the wisdom of fleck for what you recollect in. Two such stories are The Glory sports stadium and Ida rise. Both stories warmed in my mind to help me name this wisdom.The Glory Field stresses the wisdom of fighting for what you believe in. Throughout the drool were examples of this wisdom and how each generation of Lewis overcame their obstacles. One example was how Joshua and Lem fought for their freedom. They didnt give up after Lem was captured only instead Joshua rescued him and to tucker outher they continue their journey to freedom. Another example of fighting for what you believe in was how Malcolm fought to get to the family reunion because he believed it was important to be there. Even though his plans were thrown off target after his cousin Shep spent the money for the plane tickets Malcolm fought wicked to get to the reunion. They instead to ok a bus, and when remaining behind at a rest stop he fought to make it anyway, resorting to hitching a ride on a smelly truck. The characters in The Glory Field fought hard for what they believed in. Another Walter Dean Myers story that stresses the wisdom of fighting for what you believe in is Ida Wells. In the story Ida Wells overcame many obstacles to achieve her civilized rights. One example of Ida Wells fighting for what she believed in was when she was asked to leave her seat on a train and escape to the other car. Ida refused to move and fought against the train phoner by suing them, winning at first, but the verdict was reversed at Supreme Court. Another example of Ida Wells fighting for what she believed in was her movement against lynching. She potently believed that lynching was an awful thing and needed to be stopped.Walter Dean Meyers essays research papers Walter Dean Myers expresses a lot of wisdom throughout his stories. In many of his stories he gives the w isdom of fighting for what you believe in. Two such stories are The Glory Field and Ida Wells. Both stories warmed in my mind to help me discover this wisdom.The Glory Field stresses the wisdom of fighting for what you believe in. Throughout the story were examples of this wisdom and how each generation of Lewis overcame their obstacles. One example was how Joshua and Lem fought for their freedom. They didnt give up after Lem was captured but instead Joshua rescued him and together they continue their journey to freedom. Another example of fighting for what you believe in was how Malcolm fought to get to the family reunion because he believed it was important to be there. Even though his plans were thrown off target after his cousin Shep spent the money for the plane tickets Malcolm fought hard to get to the reunion. They instead took a bus, and when left behind at a rest stop he fought to make it anyway, resorting to hitching a ride on a smelly truck. The characters in The Glory Fi eld fought hard for what they believed in. Another Walter Dean Myers story that stresses the wisdom of fighting for what you believe in is Ida Wells. In the story Ida Wells overcame many obstacles to achieve her civil rights. One example of Ida Wells fighting for what she believed in was when she was asked to leave her seat on a train and move to the other car. Ida refused to move and fought against the train company by suing them, winning at first, but the verdict was reversed at Supreme Court. Another example of Ida Wells fighting for what she believed in was her movement against lynching. She strongly believed that lynching was an awful thing and needed to be stopped.

Walter Dean Meyers :: essays research papers

Walter Dean Myers expresses a lot of lore throughout his stories. In many of his stories he gives the wisdom of chip for what you believe in. Two such stories are The fame Field and Ida come up. Both stories warmed in my mind to help me discover this wisdom.The Glory Field stresses the wisdom of scrap for what you believe in. Throughout the story were practice sessions of this wisdom and how each generation of Lewis overcame their obstacles. One example was how Joshua and Lem fought for their freedom. They didnt give up after Lem was captured but instead Joshua rescued him and to instituteher they continue their journey to freedom. An early(a) example of fighting for what you believe in was how Malcolm fought to get to the family reunification because he believed it was important to be there. Even though his plans were thrown off target after his cousin Shep worn out(p) the money for the plane tickets Malcolm fought hard to get to the reunion. They instead took a bus, and whe n left behind at a rest stop he fought to make it anyway, resorting to hitching a ride on a distasteful truck. The characters in The Glory Field fought hard for what they believed in. Another Walter Dean Myers story that stresses the wisdom of fighting for what you believe in is Ida Wells. In the story Ida Wells overcame many obstacles to achieve her civil rights. One example of Ida Wells fighting for what she believed in was when she was asked to leave her seat on a train and move to the other car. Ida refused to move and fought against the train company by suing them, winning at first, but the verdict was reversed at arrogant Court. Another example of Ida Wells fighting for what she believed in was her movement against lynching. She strongly believed that lynching was an awful thing and needed to be stopped.Walter Dean Meyers essays research papers Walter Dean Myers expresses a lot of wisdom throughout his stories. In many of his stories he gives the wisdom of fighting for wh at you believe in. Two such stories are The Glory Field and Ida Wells. Both stories warmed in my mind to help me discover this wisdom.The Glory Field stresses the wisdom of fighting for what you believe in. Throughout the story were examples of this wisdom and how each generation of Lewis overcame their obstacles. One example was how Joshua and Lem fought for their freedom. They didnt give up after Lem was captured but instead Joshua rescued him and together they continue their journey to freedom. Another example of fighting for what you believe in was how Malcolm fought to get to the family reunion because he believed it was important to be there. Even though his plans were thrown off target after his cousin Shep spent the money for the plane tickets Malcolm fought hard to get to the reunion. They instead took a bus, and when left behind at a rest stop he fought to make it anyway, resorting to hitching a ride on a smelly truck. The characters in The Glory Field fought hard for what they believed in. Another Walter Dean Myers story that stresses the wisdom of fighting for what you believe in is Ida Wells. In the story Ida Wells overcame many obstacles to achieve her civil rights. One example of Ida Wells fighting for what she believed in was when she was asked to leave her seat on a train and move to the other car. Ida refused to move and fought against the train company by suing them, winning at first, but the verdict was reversed at Supreme Court. Another example of Ida Wells fighting for what she believed in was her movement against lynching. She strongly believed that lynching was an awful thing and needed to be stopped.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Essay

People of the world have always faced both types of tragedys, natural as well as piece-made. Man-made disasters were not prevalent in ancient times. Man-made disasters are the results of industrial and material progress. Natural and man-made disasters equally play havoc on homophile in modern times. Sometimes, a man-made disaster has bigger impact than natural disaster. The cause of natural disaster is natural with man-made disaster is caused by man himself. Man-made disasters include leakage of oil in the sea, nuclear explosion, leakage of poisonous gases and chemical, fire, floods created by dams etc.Man-made disasters are avoidable. They whitethorn be averted if man works efficiently and carefully. On the other hand we have no control over a natural disaster. They include earthquake, tsunami, flood, typhoon, hurricane, tempest, avalanches, soil slide etc. Man cannot avert them. However, it should be noted that some natural disaster are indirectly the result of mans activities. For guinea pig draught may be the cause of cutting of forests. Thus, the number of man-made disasters is greater than natural disaster. Natural disasters like tsunami and earth quake plays havoc on life and property.Sometimes, millions of lives are lost in these disasters. Certainly, there are some measures to minimize the impact of natural disaster. But they cannot be averted altogether. A natural action at law is not termed as a natural disaster until it has impact on human. For example, a volcano eruption at an uninhibited place is not a natural disaster. It is a natural event surely. Natural disasters are aggravated in the condition of unpreparedness on the part of man. A natural disaster has a bigger impact when man is not prepared for it. For example, earthquake cannot be predicted beforehand.It may engulf a large number of people at night while they are sleeping in their homes. A hurricane or a tornado gives opportunity for preparation to face it. Man-made disasters are c aused by human activities. They may be in smaller magnitude such as a forest fire which has less impact and may be vast such as the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Man-made disasters are brought unknowingly as well as knowingly. Accidents happen due to negligence on the part of man. The Bhopal Gas tragedy is a result of an accident which played a havoc on the local residence.In the modern world, terrorism is considered as a cause of man-made disaster. The 9/11 attack of terrorism on WTO is a pleasant of man-made disaster which took the lives of thousands of people. This was a crime of man against man. Terrorism has taken the lives of millions of people all over the world. So, crime may also be considered as a man-made disaster. Wars are another kind of natural disaster. Millions of people have been killed in the wars during the last one hundred years. These wars were not accidents. They were fought intentionally to kill people. They are the shame on people who caused them.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Linkage Of Art History And Information Technology Essay

Art History at first glance has nothing in tie to Information Technology and so Information Technology has no link in the discipline of account statement fraudistry. I, myself, had not thought that these two entirely several(predicate) academic discipline take in something in common to sh ar stock-still they are quite different from each new(prenominal). I will begin this publisher by giving definitions of these two fields of study.Art history refers to the academic discipline covering the study of history, ocular arts, which is study the development of painting, and sculpture arts, humanist discipline, humanities and liberal arts which are studies to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills. Categorizing changes in art through time and better understand how art shapes is what art history endeavors. In addition, art history as well covers the outlooks and creative impulses of the artists. It covers altogether kind of arts that is extending from the megaliths of Western Europe that the best modelling of which is the Stonehenge in Britain to the paintings of the Tang dynasty in China.On the other hand, although development engine room is hard to define because it is a wide based term and encompasses m both areas and I have read galore(postnominal) definitions of it, I chose the Information Technology Association of Americas or ITAAs definition in which they defined information technology as the study, design, development, implementation support and management of any computer based information systems.Visual arts, as I mentioned in the definition of art history above, is covered by the discipline of art history. In connection, ocular arts, which language is optic, supports develop the skills and knowledge of people to interpret visual arts using visual languages. The importance of s serve skill and knowledge that are developed by taking the academic discipline of art history is that you have the ability to archeological site out mean ing from visual environment thus in return coincides with the skill you have learned in information technology.This may sounds illogical hardly if you think deeper, you will say it is thusly reasonable to claim that there is a linkage between art history and information technology. Just for example are works of architects, film editors, and insurance assessors. In everyday of their lives, they are using their knowledge and skills in information technology and therefore, the skills in extracting meaning from visual environment will surely come to the rescue to help them to be successful on what they are doing.Thus, I reiterate once again that art history has a connection to information technology because both mentioned skills above, which are skill in using computer database and skill in extracting meaning from visual environment, are both needed in the realm of those jobs. These kinds of job require skill in the scrutiny of visual data, and to build connections and depict incongru ent elements unneurotic to make a coherent whole.Because art history is actually about engaging peoples imagination, communicating ideas and bringing out emotions and feelings by government agency of carefully arranged visual cues, it aids information technology in some sense like what I have mentioned above about the aid art history gives in the realm of works of the architects and many others.Other good examples of this are the people who work in advertising agencies, theater, fashion and all other areas of design. These people are in need to fully comprehend and appreciate the manipulation of visual information. Thus, given those examples, studying art history indeed helps broaden and developed a persons natural ability to create and communicate meaning from almost any visual environment.Tackling on the other aspects, because art history studies the so-called work of art and its other aspects, it is important to note that these works of arts can contain many themes or any theme s which can be about many thing or any thing under the sun, and technology is not an exemption for that.There are many people, nowadays, that choose jobs in which they can be called programmers, systems analysts, network service providers, webmasters, information industry moguls and directors of academic computing because this age demands us so.It is true to consider that information and computer literacy, are priceless technical skills but it is also important to bear in our minds that information literacy is a new liberal art. The coverage of sagacious how to use the computers and access information to critical reflection of nature of information itself and, its technical infrastructure is also covered by the information literacy and technology.Social, philosophical and even cultural context to the mental framework of educated information-age citizen as the trivium of basic liberal arts, such as grammar, logic and rhetoric, are also essential and are parts of information literacy and technology.Also, it was hoped, because of the facts that not all information can be found in internet, one should know something about its major cultural landmarks. It is also important to consider that one should know the literary monuments of secular, humanistic culture from Shakespeare through his modern novel.All in all, history arts and information technology though they are two different fields of study have a good linkage in one another to further help building the triumph of mankind in acquiring knowledge and skills.ReferencesDefinition of Information Technology. Ezine Articles. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from http// of Art History, Sweet Briar College.1998 February 8.What is Art?What is An Artist?. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from http// Sousa, Mike. The Column. The train of Art. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from http// ary/thecolumn/2005/027.htmGraduate Careers. Art History.Retrieved July 23, 2008, from http// Arts Journal. Art An Elusive Term. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from http//, Jeremy J. and Hughes,Shelley K. Hughes (1996). Information Literacy as aLiberal Art. Educom canvass Volume 31, Number 2. Retrieved July 23, 2008, from http//

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Gambling addiction Essay

The text states that the one problem in caper has visibly endured is known as problem gambling. Government officials have long demanded a solution from gaming operators to address this major issue. Too many issues go on with problem gambling such as crime, family and work problems, and financial damage. Fortunately, the gaming industriousness as a whole has sought to be proactive in combatting the issue. They feared being viewed in the same light as the tobacco or firearm industry by ignoring major problems with their products.Are the steps that they have interpreted enough, or is gambling in general a major threat to lodge that should be avoided? The American Psychiatric Association refers to problem gambling as pathologic gambling. There are generally speaking two different types of problem gamblers action problem gamblers and escape problem gamblers. Gambling addiction is well(p) as valid of an illness as addiction to alcohol or drugs. Its prevalence is linked directly to the ease of access of gambling in our society. However, meet like drugs and alcohol, only a small pctage of the population is prone to this illness.Gambling addicts in general either lose all of their money, accumulate great debt, file for bankruptcy, and in the worst cases commit suicide because they are hopeless. What steps has the gaming industry taken to prevent these horrible forbiddencomes? I spoke to my long-time relay link Alan Erskine, who now works as the Public Affairs Coordinator at the American Gaming Association in Washington D. C. I needed to find out if they were taking appropriate precautions to prevent these people from self-destruction.He assured me that, The gaming industry has made many contri only whenions to curbing problem gambling. The first is the creation of the issue Center for Responsible Gaming, which is the largest funder of scholarly studies on how to best curb addiction. The industry also makes various efforts to educate customers about possible ne gative effects of gambling. This includes lineup signs around the casino floor, advertising the problem gambling hotline and ensuring customers are not intoxicated while gambling. I was glad to hear that they were this proactive, but is it enough? The depicted object Center for Responsible Gaming is the only national organization exclusively devoted to funding re hunting to enhance the understanding of pathological gambling. They also search to find effective methods of treatment for the dis ready and work to improve prevention, diagnostics, intervention and educating the public about responsible gaming. However, if gambling is the root of the issue to begin with, is it worthy expanding gaming in our society?Is educating people really enough to curb the issue? There are countless organizations to prevent drug and alcohol addiction, but the problem still persists. Some critics of legalized gambling would argue that it is the direct cause of the increase in problem gambling and tha t any of their efforts are just reactive in order to protect their own interests. Alan Erskine responded to this claim stating, The industry recognizes that a small segment of the population cannot gamble safely. Studies have shown that about one percent of the population cannot gamble safely. His response does hold water. The mental disorder of pathological gambling does affect only a small portion of the population. Should the rest of society be restricted just because there are some who cant gamble responsibly? The same case could be made for alcohol. yet a small percentage of people are alcoholics. The rest of the population should not be prohibited to drink just because a select few cannot handle it responsibly. All the industry can do is provide outlets for people to get help, and educate the public on the dangers of its abuse.The NCRG has yielded very helpful results in order to understand the nature of the psychological disorder. These include statistics on the scope of pe ople affected, more effective treatment options, the role of genetics, and new instruments to measure, screen and diagnose pathological gambling. The more we understand about how this pathological disorder works, the more we can do to diagnose and treat it before the victim gets themselves and opposites into serious trouble. In conclusion, it is a bit of a cop out to simply blame the gaming industry for the rise in gambling addiction.They have been extremely proactive in trying to curb the issue and bring it to public eye. Even though they didnt want to be viewed in the same light as other industries like tobacco, alcohol and firearms, it seems inevitable that they would be grouped together. They all provide goods and services that some can enjoy responsibly and others become addicted to and defile themselves or others. Research has consistently pointed out that addiction to gambling produces the same reactions in the brain that you would find from drug and alcohol addiction.Howev er, they should be distinguished from these industries in the fact that they have donated a great deal of time and resources in order to find ways to diagnose, prevent, and treat this pathological disorder. While the acceptance of gambling in society does allow an outlet for those who can become addicted, the vast majority of people have proven they can do responsibly and the industry continues to take significant steps in order help those who suffer from gambling addiction.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Patronus Charm

A Patronus is a kind of positive force, and for the wizard who can conjure one, it works something like a shield, with the Dementor feeding on it, rather than him. In order for it to work, you need to think of a reposition. Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory Allow it to fill you up lose yourself in it then speak the incantation Expecto Patronum. Remus Lupin teaching Harry work the Patronus CharmThe Patronus Charm is a charm that evokes a partially-tangible, positive energy force known as a Patronus (pl. Patronuses Patronuses are also called spirit guardians though this may only refer to corporeal Patronuses. It is primarily designed for defence against otherwise unbeatable Dark creatures like Dementors and Lethifolds, though there are other uses such(prenominal) as messaging. It is apparent from old woodcuts and scrolls that the Patronus Charm has been used since ancient times.To successfully cast the spell one must muster a happy memory (the happier the memory, the more powerful and tangible the Patronus will be) and incant Expecto Patronum. It is unknown if there are any other elements required in casting, such as physical gestures (aside from rough drawing and pointing the wand forward prior to or during incantation). The happy memory one requires when casting does not necessarily have to be a specific event in your past. Arguably more important than content, is how the memory or thought makes you feel now.Harry Potter, for instance, is often seen to produce his more powerful patronuses when he his merely intellection of the people he loves. Harry also often thinks of his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger and produces successful Patronuses. One time Harry also used the thought of Dolores Umbridge being sacked to produce a patronus for his Defence Against the Dark Arts O. W. L. Harry uses his love and happiness, evoked from thinking of his friends and family, to produce a patronus, rather than having to remember emotions felt in the past.A non-corporeal Patronus is one which does not resemble any living creature and has few distinguishing features (if any). Non-corporeal Patronuses resemble a burst of vapour or smoke without any distinctly defined form shooting from the tip of the wand. While they may be partially effective at halting dementors (but not repelling them), non-corporeal Patronuses are not fully-fledged Patronuses, and are regarded as a more primitive or weaker version of the true Charm.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ielts Practice Essay

You should spend only 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words. In many separate of the world there is continuous coverage of sportswoman on television. Some volume believe this discourages the young from taking part in any sport themselves. Discuss this view and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Recently, a greater circumspection has been paid to sports programs on television. Some people state that watching TV to gain interests in sports is important for the young.However, there be some opponents who disagree with the in a higher place perspective. As such, there is a growing controversy whether young people should deal with this issue. In these following paragraphs, the arguments surrounding the issue of sports programs on TV volition be carefully examined. The first point to consider is the fact that many youngsters can know about interesting sports by watching TV. There are many types of sports programs, where both children and adults learn numerous things from the top athletes performance. In addition, it is a great opportunity to listen to interviews after their performance.Some children may be inspire to be like their sports icons and consequently, try the sport themselves. Moreover, young people easily watch sports on TV anytime during their free time. In Japan, many daily news show programs include sports. Hence, most of the young watch sports with the news. Even though, some young children do not have interests in current social news, they are subject to see the lineup of all of the contents and will see news topics. On the other hand, there is no doubt that some young people spend too much time watching sports on television.Young children usually cannot manage their time well. What is more, nowadays many young people alternatively want to stay at home than go out as compared to in the past. Various kinds of sports programs on TV may discoura ge youngsters from going outside and playing sports themselves. In the final analysis, there are pros and cons for watching sports on television, however, that allows us to feel the fun in sports and gain knowledge about them easily. I firmly believe that sports contents on TV have an excellent power for the young.

Regulatory Bodies Essay

4.3 Explain the roles of regulatory bodies relevant to the education sector which exist to monitor lizard and enforce the legislative frameworkAs well as local and national government crops are answerable to regulative bodies and these include, the schools governing body, the health and guard executive and OFSTED. All of whom exist to monitor and enforce legislation.The schools governing body is built up from differing members of the school community, including school management, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff, members from the wider school community and full general public. They are responsible for setting the general direction/ethos the school should be developing and reviewing and monitoring that aims and objectives are being met. It should have a hot race with its head teacher and both should be accountable to parents, pupils, staff and the wider community.The governing body of a school is responsible for its conduct and educational achievement which in like mann er means they are responsible for standards including staffing, policies, performance management, finance, discipline, curriculum, any(prenominal) areas of SEN In order to do so meets regularly and evaluates, sets standards and reports to parents. There are many policies that schools have to stick to and the schools governing body is responsible for reviewing these at least annually. The policies will includeChild protectionAttendanceBehaviourStaff discipline and behaviour schoolchild disciplineRisk assessmentsOfsteds reportProspectus of the schoolData protectionHome/school relationships.Another regulatory body that enforces policies are the health and Safety Executive. E rattling school or educational establishment must have their own wellness and safety policy with guidelines set by the Health and SafetyExecutive (HSE) who are a government body. School Health and Safety policies should contain details of what schools are responsible for whilst children are in their plow and th is will include school trips etc., I If there is an accident or incident whilst a child is at school it helps staff to follow align procedure and also protects them from any comeback if the schools procedure is followed correctly. Parents are fully entitled to request a copy of the schools health and safety policy (and any other school policies) and if by reading the policy they have questions or concerns they can contact the HSE directly. Ofsted (Office for standards in education, Childrens services and skills) are a very important regularotory body and report directly to parliament.They carry out inspections and regulatory visits throughout educational establishments, and provide a report. Which should be able to be viewed on the schools website. Ofsted work to government legislation and have statutory guidance which is based upon safeguarding children and safer recruitment. Ofsted inspectors will be sounding to collect first hand evidence on good practice and will be observing to collect information in order to make a professional judgement on the school and their ethos in order to publish their report. They will also collect information from pupils and parents in order to make this report well rounded.They will be looking at school policies and procedures, provision of the national curriculum, social care, different ion, leadership, communication etc., Ofsted can rate a school ranging from outstanding to placing a school in special measures. Its aim would be for all schools to be outstanding, although in reality that is not going to happen, if a school is placed in special measures or indeed gets good rather than outstanding Ofsted will work with the school to help it tighten its policies, procedures and practice with the aim of the school improving and giving good outcomes fro all.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Shc 31

SHC 31 Promote communication in health, social c ar or pip-squeakrens and teenage peoples settings. Understand why hard-hitting communication is important in the flirt setting. 1. 1 Identify the different reasons people state. We all communicate for m whatever different reasons it allows us to fully startleicipate in society. Below is a spider diagram to show the key reasons to why we communicate How these reasons relate to child c atomic number 18 We communicate to express our touchings, what we deprivation and what we want. Without being equal to do this at every age can make us frustrated.For jr. children this frustration can lead to them in any case feeling isolated, so it is important that we try to understand what young children are trying to communicate and give them plenty of opportunities to do so. Sharing Information within any childcare setting is very important. Parents should be able to share information about their childrens likes, dislikes and any important information that a setting needs to deal, regarding any kn profess special needs, cultural beliefs, dietetical requirements etc.Sharing this information with colleagues and other(a) professionals exit make sure that children are fully back up and allow the setting to work at its full potential. Childrens parents allow for withal want to know how well their children are doing at the setting and if they are having any problems. Building and maintaining relationships are the underpinning factor in any childcare setting. Building relationships with parents, their children and colleagues ensure that the setting can run smoothly. Maintaining these relationships will account for often of our language and communication used throughout the day.As human beings we are creative and have our own thoughts and ideas that we need to share with others. Young children will often just come out with things that they are thinking, as they have not yet built up a thought process, where as adults generally differentiate their thoughts when they need to. Sharing thoughts and ideas about the setting you are in can be beneficial. Speaking up if you think something could be done in a different way or if you are not happy about something can be resolved. Not speaking out can cause tautness. hoi polloi like to be acknowledged, especially when you are speaking to them.Reassuring people that you are paying circumspection and audition to what they are saying can be as simple as giving them pump contact. With children and young people they may need a little more, praising them and taking an interest in what they are doing will reassure them that they are being heard and that they are important. The reassurance and acknowledgement of colleagues will also create an effective work setting. 1. 2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting. Good functional relationships are a crucial factor in any working environment Communication is a vital relationship- pis sing skill.In childcare settings, it is essential to establish and maintain good relationships with children, their families and colleagues as well as other professionals that may be involved in the childrens care. Practitioners who have superior communication skills are more likely to have good relationships with everyone involved in the setting. Working relationships are influenced by the dust language, tone of voice and the words that we use. For example good undefended body posture, calm facial expressions and a calm steady tone of voice will show that you are approachable, willing to help and exculpated to communication.Crossed arms, stiff face and leaning against the wall will show that you are not open for communication and in turn may cause tension. Good communicators should also have good listening skills as people like to know that they are being heard, this can be shown through eye-contact, place of the body and a reassuring facial expression. Lack of communication sk ills can cause problems in the work place as it limits your ability to connect with people on any level. This can lead to tension and conflict. Below is a diagram of some of the ways working relationships are fundamental in child care.Being able to communicate well and form good working relationships is a massive part of the role of a child care practitioner. From the first moment a child steps into a setting on their first day, they are experiencing many different emotions due to the transition from being at home with parents or carers to starting a Pre-school or going from Primary to Secondary School. Children will feel apprehensive, scared and out of place. This can be made easier when the adults involved have good relationships with each other and share information effectively.Gaining information regarding the child like their full name and a little s about them will make them feel more relaxed. Finding a way to communicate and build a relationship with the child will help them to settle in and feel comfortable with you and their surroundings. This also counts for the parents, they too will feel apprehensive about leaving their children unless they have trust that their child is in good hands. Building a good relationship with parents will ease their minds, in turn their children will settle in faster than if the parents and children are all worried.These relationships have to be maintained throughout the period the children are in the setting. This is to ensure that the children are able to reach their full potential. If they are happy and relaxed they are able to play and learn more effectively. Good communication from the adults around them will allow them to set up and build on vocabulary, develop concepts and express ideas. If you can communicate well and maintain working relationships you will become a valued member of staff and the children in your care will be able to reach their full potential as individuals learning form you and with your supp ort. Here is a diagram of

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Danger of Potent Ideology

It is inevitable that large(p) men who wield great powers are bound to be misinterpreted. History reveals that this inevitability is true to the near influential men of our time, from the bibles saviour Christ to Germanys Friedrich Nietzche, two opposites who share the same fate. The radical ideologies that both men promoted have flummox the basis of infamous acts and looks. For example, the fatal extremist belief that Christians abhor homosexuality is highly in contrast with the teachings of Jesus Christ, who advocated unconditional love and forgiveness. The Superhuman surmisal of Friedrich Nietzche, on the other hand, has been err superstarously used to foster the idea that a particular race of man, or a particular individual, is superior to others.This Nietzche philosophy was speculated to be internalized by Adolf Hitler himself, who orchestrated the largest mass murder in the history of the knowledge domain, simply be driving he believed in the superiority of the German r ace. Thus, we can see in the examples of Jesus Christ and of Friedrich Nietzsche, that when men rise above the conventions and to the ch completelyenges in their time, they are not all bound to become legends, yet also misinterpreted attractors.Martin Luther major power A Force MisinterpretedIn the United States of America, one potent do work suffers the same fate. Considered the attracter of the free world this man had so much power that he heightened a revolution and compelled a ground to castrate its laws. He is Martin Luther King, jr. In his bind entitledMartin Luther King, general civil skillfuls journalist Jack E. White describes King as, the right man at the right time, for in a revolution that needed a fearless leader, King became the perfectly accurate answer the right man for the job. The nation at the time was ripe with protests against in compare. America then was a country that offer to the apartheid ideology segregation of individuals according to skin co lor was viewed appropriate. Race validated a persons worth, and King fervently disagreed with this belief. He mobilized the African-American community into launching non-violent protest against discrimination, one of which is the 13-month boycott of the capital of Alabama bus lines in Alabama, in 1955.The popular and immortalized story of Rosa Parks, an African-American seamstress who refused to give up her bus seat for a Caucasian man prompted the boycott, but it was King who instigated and sustained the peoples resolve to protest. In 1957, King began organizing a network of African-American leaders and started facilitating non-violent protests in several communities. The cognisance and significance of Kings cause heightened even more. The most admirable trait King has exhibit is his unwavering principle of non- fury, even when he himself had suffered through several acts of volatile violence, including the bombing of his home and raw incarceration.Several communities and critic s noted his incredible resilience and potent influence, and in the 1960s, he earned the recognition he so justly deserved. Time Magazine hailed him as its Person of the Year in 1963, and in the deliver the goods year, King was named as the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. However, King did not limit his cause to racial discrimination. He had far too much insight to narrow his perspective on one cause alone. Among the issues that he felt strongly about are the war in Vietnam and its accompanying factor, poverty. By playing on these issues, Martin Luther King, Jr. became not just the leader of the African-Americandemographic, but the most influential civil rights beacon fire who led the entire nation of America into a new light.Such a kingly leader deserves a golden place in history, and Martin Luther King, Jr. is a figure truly well-placed not only in the annals of history, but in the hearts and minds of the American people as well. However, such a magnificent leader does not des erve a misinterpretation, and martin Luther King, Jr., is a figure highly misinterpreted. Kings impact today extends only to African-American communities and engulfs only the issue of racial discrimination against African-Americans. Although this is a decry representation of King, it is a narrowed perspective of what he believed in, what he stood for, and what he fought and died for. Jack E. White, in his article entitled, Martin Luther King, observes thatIt is a testament to the greatness of Martin Luther King Jr. that nearly e rattling major city in the U.S. has a street or school named after him. It is a measure of how sorely his achievements are see that most of them are located in black neighborhoods. Three decades after King was gunned down on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tenn., he is still regarded mainly as the black leader of a exercise for black equality. That assessment, while accurate, is far too restrictive. For all King did to free blacks from the yoke of segregation , whites may owe him the greatest debt, for liberating them from the burden of Americas centuries-old hypocrisy about race.Thus, we can clearly see that the United States of America owes him the cross out of liberator of all, instead of the restrictive label, liberator of the black race. The American nation we havetoday would have a very different face if King had not step up to the demands of his time, if he had not heeded the cry of the American people. Martin Luther King, Jr. freed America from the bondage of racial hypocrisy, and yet he is denied such a distinction by assigning him only to one cause, and only to one community. The earlier premise that Martin Luther King, Jr., is a highly misinterpreted leader is once again emphasized here.As a matter of fact, King had the intention of leading a protest march against poverty, an American plight that was not unique to a certain race. From the cause of racial discrimination, he moved to the cause of fighting poverty. However, bef ore he carried out his plans King was gunned down in a hotel balcony in 1968. Thus, his distinction should not be narrowed down merely to a bingle cause. His widow Coretta Scott King perfectly validated her husbands life and her husbands cause by organizing the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Non-Violent Social Change for it was the all-encompassing cause of social change that King believed in, stood for, fought and died for.Another misinterpretation of Martin Luther King, Jr. is the use of his principles and the use of his words to further racial issues grounded on a myopic perspectives. One such movement that stands out from the rest, mainly because of its controversial nature, is the movement beingness led by Ward Connerly, an opponent of the governments plausive action policy. Connerly claims that his opposition against positive action is based on, and in parallel with, the advocacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.He asserts the erroneous interpretation that affirmative action i s tantamount to racial discrimination. This claim is unbelievable, since the affirmative action policy is aimed precisely to eradicate discrimination. It is ridiculous to conclude that the allocation of jobs minorities is equal with racial discrimination it is even more preposterous that a magnificent leader such as King would even be associated with such an incredulous cause.In treasure to Martin Luther Kings DreamIn these modern times, social change is a cry that resounds with so much fervor, and it is evident that so much has to be done to achieve the dream that Martin Luther King envisioned. Kings complex cause, social justice tied with economic justice, is a feat that requires internal and international changes within individuals, within communities, and the nation at large.It is worthy and important to note, however, that the United States of America has come a very great way indeed in terms of liberation from racial and social hypocrisy, and in this sense, we can say tha t Kings dream is slowly coming into reality.Racial discrimination, for instance, is now viewed as an abhorrent ideology, an unacceptable doctrine for the modern American. It is very much detested that whoever exhibits the slightest belief in it becomes an unwanted in a nation of free thinkers, in a nation called the free world. The racist violence that was so apparent, so real, and so brutal in the past, prior to the emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his civil rights cause, seems incredulous it seems inconceivable that America has ever trodden such a path. The African-American race today, in fact, has earned a stellar place in America.Prominent names like talk show host Oprah Winfrey, nonrecreational golfer Tiger Woods, premier poet Maya Angelou, musicians Alicia Keys and Beyonce Knowles are influential figures in American society, admired by all races in America. Amusing lists this line from Chris Rock, a popular African-American comedian You know the world is handout crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, and the best golfer is a black guy.though this statement is intended not to be taken seriously, we see a tinge of reality in it the reversal of stereotyped roles between a black man and a white man is an characteristic that America has greatly changed its racial perception about the African-American race. This, however, is just a small proportion of achievement in the social change King aimed for.Customers last name 6The Martin Luther King ChallengeThe world today faces the Martin Luther King challenge, the challenge to forward the cause from racial equality to economic justice, and then elevate these to the international context in order to achieve international peace. Because the nation is merely in the first step, racial equality, it is quite obvious that we do have a long way to go.To take up and succeed in tackling the Martin Luther King challenge, we have to go back to his words, and one effective guideline that stands out f rom among his speeches is his advice to live a expel life. discloses the manner in which a exhaust life may be achieved, according to KingAnd there are three dimensions of any complete life to which we can fitly give the words of this text length, breadth, and height. (Yes) Now the length of life as we shall use it here is the inmost concern for ones own welfare. (Yes) In other words, it is that inward concern that causes one to push forward, to achieve his own goals and ambitions. (All right) The breadth of life as we shall use it here is the outward concern for the welfare of others. (All right) And the height of life is the upward reach for God. (All right) Now you got to have all three of these to have a complete life.Such wise, potent words may ring eject if it is not heeded, and the free world, in order to fulfill the noble dream of Martin Luther King, must begin acting on this quest for completion. True, racial equality is a cause forwarded by this magnif icent leader but to say that it is the only thing he fought for, is very much restrictive. This is the ripe time for America and the world to truly understand his cause, and to truly act upon it.Works CitedChris Rock Quotes 12 December 2007.Friedrich Nietzsche. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 10 December 2007.Kalish, Michael. Friedrich Nietzsches Influence on Hitlers Mein Kampf. UCSB Department of History. 10 December 2007.The Life of Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. 9 December 2007.White, Jack. Martin Luther King. The Time 100The Most Important People of the Century. Leaders and Revolutionaries. 9 December 2007

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Implication of resource and technical developments Essay

IntroductionTechnological training in ftball the last 30 years, alkaliball has authentic dramatically. Improvements have been made not only in terms of footwear, football games, goal safekeeping gloves and other general equipment, solely also in terms of training methods and the attitude towards the professional endorse (i.e. drugs in sport and dieting in particular). Training and attitude over the last 30 years, close training methods have become more more specific to the sport, so sports thespians can become specialise at one particular activity.Describing the benefits of technological developments in football and the design of football equipment such(prenominal) as advanced features and benefits of football boots which are, light clog and are made of such materials as kangaroo leather. Most draw level players have sock-liners which fit with the contours of foot to provide extra comfort and strategically placed adhesive friction blades provide maximum entrap. Football boots admirer with a players grip, acceleration and turning ability. Footballs have had technological advancements such as having air retention system, being high density and having a high abrasion turn up which provides extra durability.The match balls played with in the premiership is precision engineered to exact standards to ensure that it is produced to within 3g of its ideal weight and to an exact circumference of 68.5cm. The benefits of the red-hoter footballs are the increased swerve that the ball offers and a better accuracy of passing. The football boots worn by British teams right up to the fifties weighed around 550 grams, and the heaviest part was the steel toe cap. Today, football boots weigh a mere 150 to 175 grams and fit snugly around the foot like a second skin. With just 100 grams less on each foot, a player taking around 10,000 steps during a 90 minute match needs to move some two tons less weight during the naughty.But having these technological developme nts in football equipment really sham the level of standard we compete at in todays sporting environment or have branding companies such as Addidas, Nike and Reebok just utilize this so called advance to get us buying their new equipment.TestingWhat Im hoping to find out is what, if any, has the development of footballing equipment such as football boots and footballs played in refining and advancing a mental process or weather the equipment used 10 years ago was adequate enough to play with in todays gage with affecting performance.To carry this look into out I have devised an experiment using the most up-to-date sporting equipment and the equivalent from 10 years ago, to find out weather the advance of technological development can really improve a performance. I leave behind analyze a competitive topographic point in a 5-a-side match where agility, accuracy, power and balance are needed one team ordain have the developed equipment and the other the standard equipment. I will statistically record the whole hazard when it comes to shots on and off target, possession of the ball, first players to the ball and overall performance. To make the test valid the teams will swap equipment at half time.EvaluationFrom analyzing my research I launch startling evidence, I found that there was disenfranchisedly any difference, if any between the two types of equipment. Looking at my finding the developed equipment had marginal advantages on its predecessors. What is did find was that the team with the advanced equipment didnt seem to work as hard to keep up with the pace of the game the competing team had to work much harder to compete at the alike level as their competition. This may be a huge factor as the level of football progresses when it comes to marginal factor that make a team successful advances in technology make the difference.From analyzing the game is the amount of injury the team with the new developed boots suffered. One individual who wore th e equipment could feel the brunt of the challenge much more than the thicker material from the older boots, also one of the players suffered knee injury in the advanced boots. This wall socket caused me consider whether this new technological advanced in equipment can really refining a players performance or damage it.The function of the football boot is basic it provides some means of attachment to the playing surface whilst encasing the foot for protection, however this causes the player to go in one direction and to leave his foot behind and now with the development of football boots grip has become even more robust with grip causing serious injury if fixed to the surface. No shoe can ever guarantee sound protection against injuries, because there exists a conflict between the function of the shoe and the interests of the human body. But with the unbroken development of boots this issue may be discarded in the favour of the best boots on the foodstuff rather than enhancing a n individual performance.Statistically speaking when comparing the two type of equipment the developed boots were more reconciled so when discussing on refining a performance the technological development of football equipment can help to make progression at your level by offering you an easy way of improving, by that I mean you can still improve and refine your performance without buying the latest equipment but from analyzing new and old technologies the transition will be much harder.How I feel about the development of football equipment with refining a performance with regards to the lack of protection thrown by modern football boots, and the backlash in terms of player injuries, there seems little to suggest that the major manufacturers are going to give up their quest for the lightest football boot for a more protective one.The proliferation of big money sponsorship deals, viz. Nike Ronaldinho, Adidas with David Beckham and Reebok with Thierry Henry, has become a huge fact or that drives the success and sales of a football boot maker, but is viewed as at a cost of injury and stagnation in football boot research and development. All we can predict for the future is integration with sensor technology, lighter and more powerful football boots and more outlandish designs and styles rather than the simple quest on improving an individual.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Past and Future Life

Here I am 36 years old and writing a paper on my past, present and future life. In this paper I ordain present a brief description of a few of my life experiences that I faced growing up. I will also look ahead to the goal I fate to accomplish in the future. I grew up in a military family, My forefather was in the U. S. military at the Air Force rest home in Fayetteville, NC ab come forward 2 hours from Jacksonville w here he and his family was living. My father and m separate met in Jacksonville and from there the rest is history.My earliest childhood memories were growing up between Jacksonville and Georgia. I was the youngest of 2. My dad continued to serve in the Army simply for whatever reasons he and my obtain decided to divorce. At that point my mother packed me and my infant up and moved back to Georgia to live with her pargonnts for a while. While living there with my grandparents my sister and I never got along she would always do intimacys and blame me for it. I remember integrity wickedness after eating dinner my sister got up to put her dishes in the sink in the kitchen, so I came in behind her but as I walked up into the kitchen I saw her go the gas stove on (and you know to use a gas stove you waste to put down it) she then walked out of the kitchen, so I stayed in there nd washed my dishes up but, forward I could finish my mother came in and said that she smelled gas, so I told her that my sister was in here messing with the stove, my mother called my sister in the kitchen to find out what happened and of course my sister sat there and lie and said that I turned the stove on.I then tried to tell my mother that my sister was lying on me but she didnt want to believe eachthing that I was assigning so I got into exsert for something I didnt do. I was never able to tell my side of a story because the first thing my mother would say was shut up because I dont believe a word you are saying. As I got older and into my teenage years I started experiencing things and recovering a lot of things for myself.I started creep out to hang out with my friends, I went to parties, sleep overs just so I could get out the house. I cute to ware a boyfriend but my mother told me that I was to young to date. At the age of 16 , I had gotten pregnant I kept it a secret for a genuinely long time, I continued to go to school and work. One day someone called my mother and told her that she may want to take me to the doctor and check to see if Im pregnant.Well a few days later My stepfather and I was in a car accident and I had to go to the Hospital and et x-rays on my knee because it had gotten busted up in the accident. So when the nurse came in my mother was asked to step out the d wholesome and the nurse started giving me a physical and I told her that I believed that I was pregnant and she said well thats funny you say that because your mother wanted me to do a pregnancy test on you.I asked the nurse not to say anythin g to my mother at that point and the nurse told me that she couldnt do that so I immediately got scared of what was going to happen next. My mother was told the news about me being pregnant and she was not happy at all. I couldnt go back to school because I was unable to walk on my leg from the accident but that real wasnt the real reason it was because my mother didnt want to legion(predicate) other people knowing but they already knew what was going on.Well a few weeks went by and one morning my mother came and woke up it had to be around 300am so I got up without any questions my mother , stepfather and I all got into he car and left, I had no idea where we were going so I ended up falling back to sleep until we reached our destination and when we got there my mom asked me Do you know where we are? I aid no so we proceeded to go into the this huge place but once we got in I new what it was from there. It was the abortion clinic in another part of Georgia my mother was getting ready to make me have an abortion and I didnt wan to.Well we went to the back I spoke with the doctor and they had to see how far along I was first beforehand they proceed with the unconscious process lucky they couldnt perform the procedure because I was to far along in my pregnancy,so then my mother wanted me to have the child and put it up for adoption, she wanted me to give it to one of my step fathers brother and his married woman but hat fell thru, then she wanted me to have the baby and put his last take a crap the same as hers for insurance purposes at least thats what she told me.I really didnt have a say so when it came to my child, and I had a big problem with that so I went back to work so I can take care of my child. One night I came home from work and before I could get to the steps I could here my baby crying and crying, I walked into the house to see that no one was there to comfort him. I walked through the house to find that my mother was in the bed sound asleep .I was very angry with her at this point so I had to cast a way to et out of that house, so I called and spoke with my oldest sister and we both got in forgather with our father and we made plans for him and my uncle to come and rescue us from this mess. I finally turned 18 and my father and uncle came to pick us up from Georgia and brought us to NC I was very glad to be past from that house with my mother. When I got settled in I went back to school and got my high school diploma I was very excited then because I completed the high school and it was time that I find a job so I can continue to take care of my child.I attended the local community college here and eceived my certification as a nursing assistant and from there I went to work for a few nursing homes but then, I got tired of all that firm work for a little bit of pay so I quit working(a) in that field for a while and started doing retail , I enjoyed working in the retail field it was a real learning experience but my passion was still in the health field so I went back to college. In our studies of adult development theory, I was interested to learn about Eriksons theories of psychosocial stages.Erikson believed adolescents torment over who they are and how they fit into their social world. (Witt& Mossler 2010, pg. 53). Here I am now with 2 children and working towards my Business degree. It has taken me a really long time to figure out what it was that I really wanted to be doing and where I wanted to be in my life and I have forecast it out now. My goal is to finish my business degree and open up my business and then go back to school to obtain my bachelors in healthcare management. I have learned so many things from my childhood growing up, but I cant dwell on the past although sometimes I have to go back in time to relate to the present.Now I have to build a future for me and my hildren so they can see how hard there mother worked and how far I have gotten in life. As our text explains, modeling is an important source of learning (Witt& Mossler,2010) and I also want to set a good examples for my children. My family and friends are very supportive and happy that I have elect to go back to college and get my degree. With all this support it has helped me to succeed in my courses (chu2010). I believe that you are never to old to go back to school and reach the goals that you have been trying to reach. I look you have to have faith and believe that things will work out.

Friday, May 17, 2019

An Inspector Calls Character Profile Essay

Arthur Birling Husband of Sybil, father of Sheila and Eric. He is the owner of Birling and Company, or so sort of factory business that employs several girls to work on machines. He is a Magistrate and two days ago, was entitle Mayor of Brumley.Gerald Croft Engaged to Sheila. His parents, Sir George and Lady Croft, are above the Birlings socially, and it seems his mother disapproves of his engagement to Sheila. He whole shebang for his fathers company, Crofts Limited, which seems to be both bigger and older than Birling and Company.Sheila Birling Engaged to be married to Gerald. Daughter of Arthur Birling and Sybil Birling, and sister of Eric.Sybil Birling Married to Arthur. Mother of Sheila and Eric. Sybil is, like her husband, a cleaning woman of some public influecnce, sitting on charity organizations and having been married two years ago to the Lord Mayor. She is an icily impressive woman, arguably the only one of all the Birlings to almost completely resist the inspectors attempts to make her realize her responsibilities.Eric Birling Son of Arthur and Sybil Birling. Brother of Sheila Birling. Eric has a drinking problem He works at Birling and Company, and his father is his boss.Inspector Goole The Inspector is in his fifties, and he is dressed in a plain dark suit. He initially seems to be an ordinary Brumley police inspector, but (as his see might suggest) comes to seem something more ominousperhaps even a supernatural being.Edna The parlour maid.Eva metalworker A girl who the Inspector claims worked for Birling and was fired, before working for Milwards and thusly being dismissed. She subsequently had relationships with Gerald Croft and then Eric Birling (by whom she became pregnant).

Thursday, May 16, 2019

How Have Changes in the World Economy since 1945 Affected the Essay

How Have Changes in the introduction Economy since 1945 Affected the Strategies of Multinatioanl Firms - Essay ExampleThe ecumenic Agreement on Tariff and Trade have not only made it equitable for each(prenominal) planetary players to be in equal footing with local businesses in a large grocery store but it also made the complicated taxation and tariff levies more simple and standard. The agreement enabled international organizations or entities to sell products at competitive prices that are comparable to the locally produced items. Market discrimination leave not be dictated by price but will be governed by the sophistications of the buyers taste and preference. Other changes in the last sixty years include added protection of the patents of multi-national corporations. harmonisation of International Laws that would include the New York Conventions on Arbitrations that applies to contracts between parties of different nationalities and the Cape Town Treaty that specifically governs international assets of multinational companies. The increased figurehead and respect of the international business community to the International woo of Arbitration have made conducting business in the international market safer and more secure. The available mechanicss and revive to attain justice if not an equitable settlement is now simpler and straightforward. World Trade Organization The World Trade Organization over the past decades have endeavoured to break down deal barriers that impedes the free scat of goods from wholeness awkward to another or even between several countries in an emerging market. Its mend aim is to liberalize and supervise international train to ensure that every member country trade and transact equitably and fairly amongst its other members. It provides a framework in the negotiations and also provides an arbitration mechanism to disputes between countries. One of the basic tenets of the World Trade Organization is the Most Favoured Nat ion Clause that ensures that a country transacting or is engaged in commercial trade in a particular country is given the same treatment as that of its local industry and even its traditional trading partners. To garnish Products of multi-national companies dealing in China should have the same treatment as outlying(prenominal) as its regulation, administration and taxes are concerned with products manufactured within the China. This means that the shelf prices of imported goods should not be far from that of the locally produced products (Bossche, 2005). Multinational companies have capitalized on the new opportunity to expand its market to include the one provided by the other countries where their host or home country has a trade agreement with. The loading of the strategies of multinational companies therefore is to reach a wider market as possible to ensure that market presence for their products includes these new markets. Increased visibility as far as media exposure is c oncerned to ensure that gracility and name recall is associated to positive information about the company and the product they manufacture. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade is a multilateral agreement regulating international trade through the substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a common and mutually advantageous manner (Barton, et al., 2008). This translates to the reduction of prices or the equality and standardization of tariff and tax range to all products. The impact of which is the

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Autism and Special Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Autism and Special didactics - Research Paper ExampleThe constitution is organized into several sections starting with the introduction, which provides an overview of the topic and purpose of review. The coterminous section identifies positive behavior patters plans for autism. This will be followed by the section on phosphate buffer solution plans for supernumerary education teachers dealing with children with autism. The next section will identify and discuss evidence-based practices applied by specific education teachers providing PBS interventions for children with autism. This will be followed by a section that presents related research studies. Finally, the paper will end with the discussion section that will identify the main implications for special education teachers providing PBS interventions for children with autism. As the report decl ares the success of the PBS program is based on several things. Some of these take administrative support, policy alignment, capacit y and skills of support providers, consistency with overall vision, values, and mission of the system, collaboration among stakeholders, and availability of resources. all(prenominal) these factors can affect the implementation and success of the PBS intervention. Children with autism are unique in the sense that they are more vulnerable to acquiring challenging behaviors that could interfere with their development, learning, and functioning. Such challenging behavior can be categorized into disruptive behaviors or repetitive behaviors.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How should we use the public space Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How should we use the common space - Essay ExampleThis essay deals with public spaces and private interests, which clash to abridge our rights.Let us look for a meaning of the two linguistic process public space. Word Public is an adjective which connotes out-of-doors to all / accessible to all / not private, and, the word Space is a noun meaning in this context, an area / expanse. So in essence, a public space is an expansive area, open to all and one which is not private. Or so, as nigh of us would like to think.Historically speaking public spaces always existed. The agoras of the ancient Greeks, the chaupals of the northern India and the temple exposit of the southern India, the Hyde Park in London are some of the examples of public spaces where people gathered to move in public discourses. Public interaction and free exchange of opinions and ideas have always resulted in come about of social, political and economical awareness, for the good of the humanity.Modernization an d migration of rural populations to urban areas had a significant impact on the traditional meaning and purpose of public spaces. Rampant commercialization is encroaching more and more into our open spaces. Large open spaces with vivid endowments like trees, brooks, hills, green fields and meadows are now confined to countryside entirely and are non-existent in cities, towns and suburbs. While the populations are shifting to suburban areas for reasons of cleaner air and peaceful environs, the natural open spaces even in those areas are also being converted to shopping malls, manicured gardens, water amusement centers or walking tracks with a toll gate These are the neo-public spaces with a private fee, like the neocons with an hack or two to grind.The fast pace of life leaves us practically no time for a stroll round the corner for a quiet chat. With the electronic media blaring its breaking news all

Monday, May 13, 2019

Analysis of Griffith's Movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis of Griffiths Movies - Essay ExampleThis paper is close to the pic directed by D.W Griffith and actress included Mary Pickford which was made in 1912. This movie was made in their azoic movie careers. The level of the movie starts with a Dying Moms wish and how this wish affects everybodys life. In the beginning, it looks analogous that the movie is not coming up to the standard of the story line of the movie. Pickford is portrayed as a charming young lady. This short movie is a very good example of the human spirit and it seems like the director has observed human nature very closely and efficiently. Mary Pickford is shown in the early movie as a girl that belongs to wear a New York hat. Other than its historical importance, this movie proves to be a very good source of entertaining the audience. While watching this movie the modern-day audience should keep in mind that The New York Hat was made according to the norms and the general practices that were be observed a t the time when it was made. At the beginning of the movie Mary is successful in gaining the sympathies of the audience. Because she is a young girl whose loving mother dies leaving her all alone, all that is left in this knowledge domain for her is her father who is not only miser but also fails to prove himself as the nurseor of the girl. When in this touch she receives a hat as a yield from her pastor it means a lot to her and she develops a special place in her heart for that gift. It also shows that she is so lonely that such a junior-grade gesture makes her feel important and wanted. This captivates the minds of the audience as the story unfolds. The girl who is already frustrated by the behavior of her selfish father gets further annoyed when the whole town starts talking nonsense about the words that were exchanged between the pastor & the girl. Upon hearing these rumors the father becomes angry and tears the innocent gift given to her by the pastor. At this flush of t he movie this incident provokes the audience and they are so disgust by her fathers behavior that all they want is the judge for the innocent and badly contuse young girl. The modern audience especially feels that such a selfish father should be brought to justice and punished for this unnecessary and unprovoked act. At this point the steps taken by the pastor to protect the young girl appear to be very naive and appropriate according to the situation. The question is that whether or not the people of the town will understand his friendly behavior towards the young girl as nothing more than an innocent friendship. Despite the fact that the mother, knowing the nature of her husband, has written a letter to the pastor to take care of her young daughter, the town does not approve of this relationship. It must also be kept in mind that the age of the young girl is not clear at this point although at some points she looks like a 16 year old but in some other scenes she appears younge r than 16. The general opinion of the people is that girl being so young is vatical to be naive, however, the pastor being the elder party should have been more careful while communication with the girl. The movie fails to answer the question that whether the pastor was romantically involved in the girl or was he just trying to help her. So the questions raised in the mind of the audience are not satisfied when the movie ends they go back home wondering about the intentions of

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Orientalism in Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Orientalism in vogue - Essay ExampleThe essay Orientalism in Fashion concerns the fashion and orientalism. One can attribute this invasion of Oriental elements into European art and fashion to capital of Minnesota Poiret and his imaginative and bold style that he pioneered in the decade leading up to the First universe of discourse War. After inaugurating his fashion house in 1903 on the rue Auber, Poirets business grew quickly. Parisian women install the clear lines and simple forms of his public figures very appealing. Poiret is the first couturier to raise the waist in womens dresses, recalling Empire lines and in that locationby creating an elongated silhouette, like a cue stick. The invasion of oriental elements into Parisian fashion was so pronounce that by 1913, one can see everywhere loose-fitting waists, oriental chemises or Russian blouses, emaciated into a sash of velvet or satin, or where there is no sash, a band of embroidery encircles the hips to give the same e ffect. At the time Paul Poiret was establishing his c arer in fashion design there was a sense of stagnation and limitation in fashionable expression for women. At the turn of the vitamin C when Poiret opened his couture house, womens figures were not only divided in two by a whalebone corset, but also constrained by masses of fabric. Poiret went about changing this condition and then freed a generation of women from constricted dresses. His wife and muse Denise was also his foremost model for trying natural design prototypes. What Poiret wanted to achieve was to bring back the classical dressing sensibilities. that he so respect and assimilated into his aesthetics. He first encountered classical paintings at the Louvre as a school boy. His unique design style shifted the emphasis to the shoulders the waist was raised to a considerable degree. His style reflected the neo-Grecian Directoire sensibilities of erstwhile art patrons Empress Josephine and lady Hamilton. To accentuat e the contours of the body Poiret employed fine fabrics such as silk, tulle and muslin. He also reduced the hemline into that iconic model called the hobble skirt. (Web 2007) The Oriental elements to Paul Poirets designs were manifest in his use of gold, fur, fringes and turbans some of which are being reinvented contemporarily at Prada. Poirets embrace of Oriental elements reached its peak in Paris with the unveiling by Leon Bakst of the Ballets Russes. One of the stand-out designs in the years preceding the First World War is the Persian themed designs that were seen during the 1002nd Night society in 1911. Exhibiting his showmanship during the event, Poiret dressed up as a sultan and locked up his wife in a golden cage. As usual she modeled his latest creation harem pants. Poiret was flooded with orders for these pants. Women saw in them an avenue for liberty, if only to let them dance to the emergent cultural craze for the tango. (Web 2007) Art 1. Two Dresses by Paul Poiret (P late 2 from Les Robes de Paul Poiret), illustrated by Paul Iribe, 1908. The significance of Poirets Orientalist designs emerges from their widespread cultural effects. For example, the sultan harem pants were in such vogue that respected architecture journal commented and illustrated Poirets whole shebang through the artful photographs of Edward Steichen. The journal article went on to praise Poirets work as an

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Questionaire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Questionaire - Essay typefaceof the world, but then, many articles and reports provide the fact that big countries like USA, do not have a public insurance for majority of their people. In reality there comes uncountable advertisements and news regarding the several insurance companies and policies for wellness carry off, but those who need to get benefit does not in truth get it in majority. This shows that the administration has about drawbacks or to be more precise only a partial action has been taken by the authorities.The talk concerning how to reduce the expenditure for health care among the individual and the group under the health care services provided by public and private authority still continues. There has been a pack of organic evolution seen in the field of computers and wireless technology. The system of wireless health care services helps a lot in trim the expenses to some extent by making arrangements such as fixing the particular date for the patients, remin ding the dates by sending SMS, and these gradually reduces the cost of medical expenses. The provisions of certain health Care software, and the approachability of Health Care consultants, Health Care Service Providers, help a lot in reducing the expenditure for he patients. The health insurance also helps a lot during emergency times. Though the tribute rates have to be given in correct time, the effect of the insurance seems to be really worth during more expenses.The health care is usually financed by public and private authority in general. For example the Medicare and the Medicaid set to meet the health care expenses for the aged and the poor respectively. The process of Universal Health Care system which is funded by the tax revenue has two way payment system individual(a)-payer and multi-payer. The single payer is government run organization, which acts as the payer and it saves money. The multi-payer system runs with the joint venture of the public as well as private sec tors as payer.introduced by the

Friday, May 10, 2019

The Mesaba Energy Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Mesaba Energy Project - Essay Exampleironmental compliance technology, to wit IGCC that would remove not only air and water pollutants but would capture the CO2 from entering the standard pressure (Mesaba Energy Project Fact Sheet).There has been a lot of commotion on the viability of the Mesaba energy project. preferably of bringing any benefits of technology, is the project going to make the life of people of Minnesota more insecure? There are arguments and counter-arguments against the Mesaba energy project. It is very important to reach a conclusion after checking the pros and cons of the project. It is organism said that the Mesaba energy project, based on IGCC technology, would be cleaner than traditional energy-generating coal plants in performance, efficiency and emissions. Again, when we talk of innovative technology, some in-depth knowledge of the working of the fellateification process is must because that is going to form priming coat for advocating the Mesaba energy project, located in north Minnesota.Gasification is a chemical process by which carbonic materials the like coal, petroleum coke, biomass, etc. are transformed to a synthesis gas (syngas) through partial oxidization with air, oxygen, and steam by requirement (http// The ConocoPhillips E-Gas technology is the basis of gasification process to convert coal into synthesis gas and clean the gas of impurities before burning. This technology (IGCC) is less pollutant to produce electricity from coal. It is not new, but the lotion is new combining gasification technology with well-known combined-cycle technology. This gas is burned to turn generators and produce electricity. Typical coal-burning forefinger plants release mercury, sulfur, nitrogen oxides, and lots of carbon dioxide (http// energy project should be favored, as it is practical than opposite energy sources like nuclear energ y, natural gas, biomass, solar and wind energy. Nuclear energy produces

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Course Project Proposal Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Course Project Proposal - Term Paper display caseWe deal in a wide range of products such as household needs, family app arl, electronics, assistance in health & beauty, fabrics, jewelry, garden & lawn, shoes, toys and crafts among others. We even provide facilities in pharmacy, photo centers, portrait studios, banks as well as Tire & Lube Express. At the time of the establishment of the political party, the founder had set three objectives or kinda perpetrations which would characterize his business and they were customer service, respect towards individuals and determination for brilliance (Hayden & Et. Al., 2002). Our company is known for following its mission objectives except for one and that is respect for individuals. The customers are incubateed with a lot of respect by the company but when it comes down to the employees then a big difference is being observed.The company does not treat its employees with the respect that they deserve and in a way it reflects the fact th at the company does not value its employees which has resulted in a high upset among the employees.My company addresses the employees of our stores as associates. The company provides liberal financial incentives as rewards for their employees by way of distributing the profit of the company with the employees through the option of buying stocks. However, here I should mention that these facilities and benefits are offered only to the full-time employees. Majority of the employees working in the stores are part-time workers and they are not gainful generously by my company. Majority of the workers are just paid the bare minimum local wage. unneeded to add that they are not provided any benefits as it takes a time period of five long time to become qualified for these benefits. As I have mentioned earlier that a high rate of turnover prevails amongst these employees and so, there are bleak chances that they would reach that required level. I am a manager in one of the stores of th e company. I joined the

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Metaphors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Metaphors - Essay ExampleIn the first case study, at that place is an issue that is being faced by the animal trainers is the need to hold dowen the line against the senior managers who are aggressive. This is a great problem because it seriously impacts on their relationship with their subordinates and therefore their attitudes and performances in their work. In this sense, it is one of the hindrances towards productivity as most of the employees are expected to work as machines. Using the Morgans use of metaphors to extrapolate the organization is well applied in this scenario. The manager is able to none down a few of the Morgans metaphors in his work. They include the art of blowing up in order to defend his people. In this context, he drills the individual and then attacks. In essence, he has identified work as a battle whereby on that point is a great need to fight in order to ensure that the rights of all the employees are not violated. It is caused by the element of b eing in the heat of the battle to enable an individual to defend their territories hence the need to understand how the organization works. It is with the notion that the work place is a battle field that the manager in this case has devised the proper ways of dealing with his colleagues in such a way that enhances the productivity of all the other employees.The main problem in this case is the need to come up with a new product. It is the principle issue that is causing worries to the director in this organization. It is mainly because the product is required in high degree autonomy. It was also supposed to appear to be an integral part of the existing company. In this sense, the metaphor is created through the use of the symbolic modeling. Ultimately, there is the launch of a central launch tab from which the hot air balloon can rise and ascend. Although this balloon was always navigated by the captain, it was always secure to the launch pad. This defined its safety and scope

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How to increase customers commitment and loyalty to the products Research Paper

How to increase clients commitment and loyalty to the products - explore Paper ExampleCommitment, as Jones et al. outline, has some specific characteristics. First of all, it is targeted a person can be committed to different things, including companys product or the company itself. The subject of the commitment is, thus, what connects an individual with the organization through the persons psychological attachment. Secondly, commitment may take different forms. Among them argon affective, normative and continuance commitment. Each type of commitment has a different psychological basis. Finally, each of the trey types of commitment generates different effects on various kindred-related outcomes. This means that, depending on which type of commitment a customer experiences, the individual is more or less likely to be willing to maintain the descent with the subject of commitment. Similarly, the type of commitment determines how loyal that individual is to the brand or company, and how likely he or she is to abandon the brand or company. Affective commitment, according to Gruen, Summers and Acito can be defined as a degree of customers psychological attachment to the commitment target. This type of commitment is based on customers overbearing tones towards the subject of commitment and is a predictor of such responses as advocacy, co-production, willingness to contain more, as well as the number of purchased items. Therefore, in order to build affective commitment of a customer the company has to make sure its brand, product or service evokes affirmative associations. Such positive associations can be supported by good company image, its CSR activities, or simply well-designed advertising campaign. normative commitment is based on persons feeling of being obliged to the subject of commitment. This feeling is usually evoked by certain social norms and social pressure for acting in a certain manner. Feeling obliged, the customer is more willing to help the company by means of, for instance, stipendiary more for its product, component part in some way or recommending the product to others, thus also helping the organization. This type of commitment is more appropriate for organizations that are able to devote their resources to serving some positive social projects. For instance, a company might tell that it will send part from the received tax income to hungry children of Africa. In this situation an individual might choose this particular company to buy from because he or she feels obliged to help the children. Continuance commitment is based on perceived costs associated with terminating the relationship (Jones et al. 2010, 24). If, for instance, there are no alternatives to some product, or the customer has already invested much into certain company, the customer may feel continuance commitment. The cost of switching to another brand (product, company, etc.) is considered by such a client to be too high. In comparison to emo tional affective and moral normative commitment, continuance commitment is the most rational form of commitment. Continuance comm

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Israelis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Israelis - Essay ExampleThe contradiction in Israel is, the cut-and-dried Jewish citizens are a preferred lot over their Arab compatriots. Along with the unbendable religious establishment, a thriving lesbian and gay community exists. In this book, Donna Rosenthal, has taken pains to wonder a heterogeneous section of the people-- Jewish, Arab, men and women, secular and religious, with their fears and hopes, enthusiasm and disillusionment, willing acceptance of challenges and also expressing insubordinationhow Israel makes efforts to transform itself into an ultra-modern state, to stand shoulder to shoulder and challenge the world powers, to tellnot we also facebut better take us into accountNation building from the scratch is not an ordinary process. Striking a balance between the orthodox and ultra-modern of the same religious group is all the much difficult. Interaction between the two has to happen often. Rosenthal writes about the strange meetings thus An electrical e ngineer with a long ponytail is eating pasta with a bearded orthodox man in a ruffle kippa. At the salad bar, two women programmers chat in Russian.(p.126) Immodestly beautifyed women in Jerusalem streets are ill-treated by the orthodox. Rosenthal writes, Some men wear their short, others dangle them below their ears. Signs in their haredi neighborhood warn women to dress modestly, not to expose much skin. Blouses cover them from collarbone to wrists.(p.174) In the matter of worship the male-female division is apply strictly. In haredi and orthodox synagogues, men and women sit apart so they will not be distracted from prayers. In haredi synagogues, women sit in balconies or behind curtains.(p.182) In the same city, you have modern entrepreneurs engaged in research for high-tech industrial products. Children of Bedouin families and Israeli Arabboth have problems in establishing their identities in a Jewish