Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why Do You Sweat - Evaporative Cooling - The Heat Index

Why Do You Sweat - Evaporative Cooling - The Heat Index Most people know sweating is a process your body uses to cool down. Your body is always trying to maintain an even body temperature. Sweating reduces body heat through a process known as evaporative cooling. Just like getting out of a pool in the summertime, a small wind will be enough movement across your wet skin to create cooling. Try This Simple Experiment Wet the back of your hand.Blow gently across your hand. You should already feel a cooling sensation.Now, blot your hand dry and use the opposite hand to feel the actual temperature of your skin. It will actually be cooler to the touch! During the summer, humidity in certain areas of the world is very high. Some people even refer to the weather as muggy weather. High relative humidity means the air is holding a lot of water. But there is a limit to the amount of water air can hold. Think of it this way...If you have a glass of water and a pitcher, no matter how much water is in the pitcher, you simply cannot make a glass hold more water. Just to be fair, the idea of air holding water can be seen as a common misconception unless you look at the full story on how water vapor and air interact. There is a wonderful explanation of the common misconception with relative humidity from Georgia State University. Relative Humidity is a "Glass Half Full" Going back to the idea of evaporative cooling, if there is nowhere for the water to evaporate to, then it stays on your skin surface. In other words, when the relative humidity is very high, there is only a little room in that glass for more water. If the Heat Index is High in Your Area... When you sweat, the only way you cool down is through evaporation of water from your skin. But if the air is holding too much water already, the sweat stays on your skin and you get little to no relief from the heat. A high Heat Index value shows a small chance of evaporative cooling from the skin. You even feel like it is hotter outside because you cant rid your skin of the excess water. In many areas of the world, that sticky, humid feeling is nothing more than... Your Body Says: Wow, my sweating mechanism is not cooling my body very well because the high temperatures and high relative humidity combine to create less than ideal conditions for the evaporative cooling effects of water from surfaces. You and I say: Wow, it is hot and sticky today. I better get in the shade! Either way you look at it, the Heat Index is designed to keep you safe in the summertime. Keep on alert for all signs of summer heat illnesses and know the danger zones!

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