Friday, October 18, 2019

The Electronic Policy Network Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Electronic Policy Network - Research Paper Example The users access the policy network through the subject lists; for instance, democracy, globalization, trade, and gender. Each topic has links to other appropriate and relevant websites. The users can access information from their preferred organizations through signing-up. The information is periodically sent to their e-mail. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is one organization that is represented in the online consortium. The ACLU entails a non-partisan and also a non-profit organization. The mission of the organization involves defending the individual rights and also the liberties of individuals, which are guaranteed in the United States constitution and other applicable laws1. The ACLU works through various approaches, for instance, community education, litigation and lobbying. The organization was started in 1920 by the initiatives of Roger Baldwin, Walter Nelles, and Crystal Eastman. The organization has more than 500,000 members, and its annual budget estimates is approximately $100 million. The organization has affiliates in all the states in America and also Puerto Rico. The ACLU gives legal assistance during cases that put at risk the civil liberties. The legal support provided include; direct legal representation, and the preparation of amicus curiae briefs that illustrate legal argum ents. The amicus curiae briefs are prepared, when another legal firm is adequately providing legal representation. At the initial formation stages, the main focus of the ACLU was the freedom of speech. This was majorly applicable to the anti-war protestors2. In the 1920s, the organization increased its activities to encompass safeguarding the free speech rights of striking employees and also artists. The enhanced activities also entailed the collaboration with the national Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The collaboration was aimed at preventing discrimination and also racism. In the 1930s, the organizations began to

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