Wednesday, October 2, 2019

It’s Time to Stop Corporate Terrorism :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

It’s Time to Stop Corporate Terrorism Looking at corporate terrorism, homlessness, and the technology gap, it is clear that the profit of large corporations varies indirectly with the improvment of the economy.   When given the opportunity, all companies would take money from the workers and communies and spend it on themselves.   The greed of large corporations is terrorizing communities throughout America.    Corporate terrorism is occurring and millions of people are losing their jobs as corporations claim they need to "stay competitive." (Moore)   Relationships between employers and their employees are dwindling as no credit given to the hard workers. (Terkle)   Instead, their jobs are taken away.   The more profit the company makes the less that goes back to the economic community.   Roger Smith, the CEO of GM, moved his company to Mexico where he could increase profit by paying the workers less. (Moore)   This is a corporate terrorism where "anything goes" seems to the motto.   Corporations are mindlessly discarding whatever is in their way to fulfill their idea of the American Dream. (Derber)   The leftovers are then thrown out to the street with no sense of hope.   The number of homeless citizens increases each year.   â€Å"Homelessness is a problem that is not going away.   There are more homeless people this year than last, and the number keeps growing.† (Grisham)   If corporations would move thier plants back to the communities, new jobs there would to create equal opportunities to all employees where a gap now stands.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   The technology gap is increasing.   More people are experiencing that what you earn depends on what you learn.   The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer.   The gap will not even out. (Alter)   Recently unemployed citizens are experiencing an American Nightmare.   There are no jobs left. (Newman)   As labor positions decrease, employees cannot find anywhere else to go.   When asked to build a Nike plant in Flint, Phil Night’s response was â€Å"Americans don’t want to work in factories.†Ã‚   The truth is factories are the only thing that some people know.   There is nothing left for these people in their own community. The profit of large corporations should not vary indirectly with improving the economy because it harms more people than it helps.   At the time of the layoffs in Flint, Roger Smith gave himself a one million dollar raise. It is unlikely to expect profiting corporations to overcome the childishness of greed.   Instead of finding work for the previous employers of GM, Smith thought only of himself.

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