Friday, June 21, 2019

The Seeds Dispersal Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Seeds Dispersal - Lab Report ExampleThe purpose of this try out is to determine the correlation between the outdistance covered by the seed down and seed weight, fluff size, and the speed of the wind. The following materials were used, thirty milkweed seeds, meter rule, weigh balance, stopwatch, paper bags, strings, fan, and notebook.As described, the weight of each seed was measured using weighing balance and noted. The length of fluff was excessively measured and recorded. This was followed by measuring the magazine taken by seed on air. Each seed was dropped from a height of one meter three times and time average for the seed loft in air measured and recorded. After all the data were collected, the mean and standard deviation for time, weight and fluff length were calculated. The seeds dispersal is a significant factor in plants redistribution. Light seeds are flown a large distance by wind than heavier seeds. From the experiment, it is clear that small seeds move far dis tance than heavy seeds from their place of origin under the same wind magnitude. Seed dispersed from shorter plants move a small distance from their parent plant than taller plants. From the experiment, it is also clear that the distance moved by seed is directly determined by the strength of the wind. Excel sheet No.3 Wind plays a major manipulation in plant dispersal. Only small light seeds with special adaptations can be dispersed by the winds. These adaptations are to facilitate the seeds remaining airborne all-night which means they can be carried great distances. Such adaptations involve hairs or outgrowths which increase the surface area to catch the wind.

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