Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Islamic women and Education Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Islamic women and breeding - Research Proposal ExampleSchoeter Susanne (178) explains from a personal and womans perspective that women like her need breeding and needs to be involved in policy making process on decisions that include education, a voice that identify a womans role in advocating for womens interests in education. Fatima Al-Fihri is another woman who contributed to education in the ancient periods, establishing University of Al Karaouine in North Africa while Dafiya Khatun constructed theology schools in the Middle East (Womens Iislmic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality 1). Roles of Nyai Abida in education are also evident in academic administration in Pesantren Seblak (Srimulyani 100) and women like Ahl-al-Aaqil played active roles as educators (Falola & Amponsah 83, 84). The active role in education continues and is evident in the positions of Muslim women in southern Africas academic institutions (Lovat 186). In addition, women seem to play a significant ro le in self-motivation into education. Even though environmental factors may affect powerfulness of Muslim women to advance in education, the women mediate effects of these factors (Oplatka 341, 342). Respecting personal domain as a Muslim is another reported motivational factor to the womens education (Laar, Derks, & Ellemers 70, 71).Existing literature suggest significant womens role in education and this transverses across history. A study is therefore necessary on trend of the womens roles in education across history and by regions.Laar, Colette, Derks, Belle, & Ellemers, Naomi. Motivation for education and work among young Muslim women The importance of value for ingroup domains. Basic & Applied Social Psychology 35.1 (2013) 64-74. Print.Oplatka, Izhar & Orit. Muslim women in graduate studies Some insights into the accessibility of higher education for minority women students. Studies in Higher Education 37.3 (2012) 327-344. Print.Womens Islamic Initiative in

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