Friday, June 14, 2019

MCS 146F Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

MCS 146F Midterm - Essay ExampleThe other part of the press is the handle, which is mounted on the upper section of the motorcar and is utilize to apply pressure onto the printing media. It has a series of levers to multiple the force being applied by the one operating the machine.Counterweights argon a very vital part of the press and perform key functions. The purpose of the counterweights, which are located adjacent to the handle, is to ensure that the force of the impression is increased. Moreover, the weights are used in raising the platen after every single impression (Eisenstein 129). This allows for the next impression without much force being required. The press is raised from the ground take by four metallic legs that terminate in molded feet. A closer look at the force out of the supports suggests that they resemble the claws of a lion. The four supports are well spread to increase stability of the machine when it is not in use and when it is functioning. In addition to this, the platen is located a few meters from the ground so that the center of gravity can be lowered and ensure that the machine remains in a stable state when other parts are being moved.The Colombian press has talons with eagle clutches. These are incorporated into the design as a symbol of war. It also has olive branches on some talons to betoken prosperity. At one end of the counterweights, there are arrows that rest on a crescent moon. The other ends of the arrow in the counter masses are coiled to form a dolphin with open jaws. The coiling allows it to hold the hook of the press bridle thus facilitating a connection with the upper end of the levers. Another dolphin like part is extended from the counterbalance to connect it with the main lever. This mechanism works in synchrony to pass the forces that is exerted by the instrument to the media on that the printing is to be done. The press also has two pillars that are embellished with cadeus intervened with what appears to

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