Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Goal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Goal Statement - Essay Example Growing up in this situation opened my eyes to the fact that my town, my country, my neighbors, needed help. My sense of responsibility for my fellowman became my inspiration in school. I knew that if I wanted to help my community, I would need to have a job in the future that would allow me to enact changes that would benefit those whom I love. It was this goal in particular that became the driving force of my educational career. I consider myself lucky to have been able to successfully complete my grammar and higher education in record time. My decent grades and academic accomplishments allowed me to apply for and gain entry into Makerere University in Uganda as a student of Urban Planning. The reason that I enrolled in Urban Planning as a college major was really quite simple. Since I knew that the town I came from had a problem in terms of population control that led to the lack of facilities and financial budget with which to improve the lot of our community, somebody needed to develop a plan that would directly address the problems of the community and hopefully, remedy the situation. I worked as an Urban Planning Engineer for a number of years after my graduation. At the time I felt that I was doing a tremendous amount of good for my fellow Ugandans because I was able to help better plan communities, facilities, and projects that directly affected their daily lives and the lives of future generations. I took great pride in seeing my suggestions and recommendations coming to life as it was adapted by local city governments and the like. There was extreme degree of personal satisfaction that I managed to glean from this particular job. I knew I was doing well and I was able to improve the lives of my fellowman but, as I slowly walked the various towns and cities of Uganda, all of whom I was tasked to create various urban development projects for, I came to realize that urban planning was not all that I thought it could be. It had its limitations when it ca me to proper care of communities. Although I was able to help improve lives by building roads and structures that helped modernize the areas and bring in much needed jobs. There was still a lot of work to be done. Mostly because the modernization projects that I was involved in did not help improve the health of other Ugandans. Rather, the developments made their health worse as they became exposed to various elements and air borne viruses that came to fore during the construction period of various projects. That was when I knew that I had to change careers. I needed to help Ugandans where they needed it the most, in the field of medical healthcare. But where would I begin? Coming from a family of healthcare professionals, they reminded me of my childhood dream that got derailed when I developed an interest in engineering and urban planning. It took very little to remind me that I originally wanted to become a medical professional because of the influence of my other relatives who a ll worked in the medical field in various positions. I have relatives who are doctors and nurses. I had the grades for medical school, I just needed to decide upon which particular medical field I wanted to become involved in. The decision to center my second career in the nursing field was something that came to me almost automatically. Although I could have

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