Monday, September 9, 2019

Human Resources Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resources - Research Paper Example The function that oversees the employees concerns is called Human resource management at the workplace. In the organization, all employees are viewed as vital enterprise assets and their value is enhances by gradual development. Therefore, enterprises always engage themselves in a barrage of practicing human resources to capitalize on human assets. Organizations apply technics in governing human resources as suggested by (Renkly, 2004). The first technic is to classify employees in into demographic groups. In this trend, workforce or populations characteristic are categorized using age, social class and even gender. The trend unquestionably has effects in relations to offering of pension, packages of insurance and annual leaves. Another technic in managing human resources is to understand its diverse characteristics especially their culture. Strategic workforce planning Strategic human planning should address alignment of organizations human capital program with their current mission , emerging mission and programmatic objectives. Human resource management should develop long-term strategies for acquiring, training and developing workers to attain programmed goals. Approaches of managing human resources may vary from one manager to another or from one enterprise to another. However, there are some principals that guide managers in coming up with strategic workforce plan (Seijts, 2006). The principals address key issues to be considered irrespective of the context in which the planning is done. First, the top managers, workers and the stakeholders must involve themselves in communicating, developing and implementation of the strategic workforce plan. This will help supervisors, and employees’ agency managers understand the need to work as a team. It ensures entire agency understands benefits of changes as defined in the strategic workforce plan. Clear communications create transparent procedures and policies that help in utilization of human capital (Pinkl eton& Austin, 2006). Role of human resources in an organization The human resource management team in the organization has a mandate to manage employees in the organization. There are limitations and the advantages in of this function. The departments ensure all staff follows the general direction, rule and regulations of the work place. The departments constant remind and clarify the means set towards attainment of organizations goals. The department also is responsible for creating compensations or incentives to be awarded to employees in order to act as a motivation (Heneman& Judge, 2006). Human resource manager act as employees sponsor and advocate (Williams& Gilmore, 2009). The managers play an important role towards organizational success. The knowledge about advocacy of people is an essential skill that managers need to have. The managers foster effective methods in setting of goals and empowering workers through assigning them with responsibilities. This helps in creating or der in the organization. Professionals in human resources help establish culture and climate of the organization. The environment creates the commitment and efficiency in serving the customers. In this role, human resources manager provide the overall talent management strategies. The manager also develops opportunity and create workers assistance program (Jackson, 1992). The frequent evaluation of the organizatio

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