Saturday, August 24, 2019

Constructing Gender through Body Customization Essay - 1

Constructing Gender through Body Customization - Essay Example The same goes for me as I try to combine different styles of clothing along with different accessories. The way we dress portrays our self-identity and thus when we choose a dressing style we have control over the way we want to present our personality. Moreover, my dressing style has impact on my emotions. For instance, I prefer to wear light color clothes as they keep me calm while tight-fitting clothes make me uncomfortable and impatient. 1. It is a fact that the way a person dresses and adorns their body reflects the personal beliefs of that person. In society, the personality of a person is manifested in their dressing sense and it helps other people to characterize them by interpreting their behavior and attitude, and this becomes significant in the context of social gatherings. It has become a practice to stereotype people according to their dress like those who are well-dressed are considered as happy, optimistic, outgoing, and financially affluent (Sanders, 2009, p.1). When I reflect on my personal beliefs I realize that they get reflected in the way I dress. My casual attitude consists of leggings and cool t-shirts along with natural makeup that indicates my belief that everyone looks best with physical features with which they were born. Therefore I refrain from coloring my hair or having tattoos on my body. I also do not generally apply heavy makeup on my eyes with bright colors of eyeshadow as I believe that takes away the natural look of my facial features. A stranger will most probably consider me as a laid-back person with a casual sense of fashion. 2. The core beliefs and values of my family lay in their broad minded perspective of modern day fashion. The elder members of my family are aware of changing trends in fashion and they do not usually provide unsolicited advice to the younger generation. However, the young people of my family do not indulge in vulgar dressing styles and try to

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