Thursday, July 25, 2019

Employee Recruitment and Selection Research Paper

Employee Recruitment and Selection - Research Paper Example Labour efficiency is achieved by employing people with the right skills for assigned jobs and balancing the right number of workers to do the job. Therefore, applicants should be carefully identified, targeted, and recruited for positions. This research report, focusing on the recruitment and selection of IT employees, preferably Information and Computer Science Graduates, for an international organisation will, following a review of the relevant theoretical literature, suggest a recruitment and selection technique which is cost effective, timely and, importantly, establishes an immediate correlation between targeted recruitment environment, candidate selection and job description. Â  In other words, drawing upon both empirical and theoretical literature, the report shall propose a recruitment and selection framework which is immediately informed by the job requirements, its associated tasks and responsibilities.Labour efficiency is achieved by employing people with the right skills for assigned jobs and balancing the right number of workers to do the job. Therefore, applicants should be carefully identified, targeted, and recruited for positions. This research report, focusing on the recruitment and selection of IT employees, preferably Information and Computer Science Graduates, for an international organisation will, following a review of the relevant theoretical literature, suggest a recruitment and selection technique which is cost effective, timely and, importantly, establishes an immediate correlation between targeted recruitment environment, candidate selection and job description. In other words, drawing upon both empirical and theoretical literature, the report shall propose a recruitment and selection framework which is immediately informed by the job requirements, its associated tasks and responsibilities. 2 Theoretical Overview There is a wealth of theoretical and empirical literature on employee recruitment and selection. This section shall review some of this literature with the purpose being the latter formulation of a best-practices framework for the recruitment and selection of 20 IT employees in the international firm referenced in the preceding. Appendix I presents an overview of the positions to be filled. 2.1 Recruitment Recruiting techniques to maximize not only the quantity of applicants, but also quality, are important because the screening process requires significant organizational resources (Sherman, Bohlander and Snell, 1996). IT positions take an average of 37% longer to fill than non-IT positions, ' search firm recruiting fees can be as high as 40 percent of annual salaryr3' and average costs may range from $7,500 to $25,000 per employee for all modes of recruiting combined. In addition to the direct costs, the difficult to measure, but undoubtedly more critical lost opportunity costs of not having necessary human resources, make IT recruitment a strategic imperative in the current economy (Mencken, 1998). Recruitment research has steadily increased over the past thirty years, including studies of the effect of selected recruitment sources on outcome. One of the earliest studies of recruitment sources and linkage to beneficial organizational outcomes compared results of informal versus formal sources. A primary difference between these two broad types of recruiting techniques is that formal recruitment involves a formal market intermediary between the organization and potential employee, Ullman's (1966) study discovered a lower turnover rate for employees recruited through informal sources (i.e. direct applications, referrals) than for those identified through formal approaches (i.e. advertising, employment agencies) . Subsequent research offered theoretical explanations for the relationship between source and outcome, most notably the "realistic information" hypothesis and the "individual difference" hypothesis. The " realistic information" hypothesis suggests that workers recruited throug

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